About Us

The Langley Lions Housing Society has provided affordable housing to seniors and persons with disabilities since the mid 1970’s. Currently we provide housing for 625 units which consist of one bedroom and bachelor units. Seven of our nine buildings are located directly behind the Langley Mall. Our Society feels that this is a great bonus feature as the mall can accommodate many of our resident’s needs such as banking, clothing, groceries and pharmaceuticals. Which ever building you live in what better place to build great friendships, promote wellness and “age in place”.


In 1972, the vision of providing affordable housing to seniors in the centre of our city began. By 1975, The Alder, Birch and Cedar buildings were completed. Better known as “Rainbow Lodge” the completion brought a total of 291 units to our community totaled. As the units were filled rapidly it became apparent that more affordable housing units were needed and in 1976 The Dogwood (95 units) and a The Evergreen Hall, a spacious activity centre were completed. Still not meeting the demand in 1983 The Elm (104 units) was built and funded under a federal housing program. In 1989 The Fir(97 units) completed our cluster of housing. The vision of the LLHS had become a reality. The Yale Manor(8 units) on Brydon Cres. was added to the society’s portfolio when another non-profit society retired. For many years our numbers of providing independent affordable housing remained the same. We had the opportunity to house a large variety of incomes in the senior and disabled community. Four of our buildings, most commonly known as “Rainbow Lodge” and the Yale have set market rents with The Elm and Fir calculating rents on 30% of a monthly income.


Over the years it became apparent to the society that independent affordable housing was not enough. When our seniors needed more supports there just wasn’t enough. Cluster Care, a home support program was initiated and helped somewhat, but we felt that by jumping to another level of providing independent living with supports or assistance was an avenue that needed to be seriously considered. After many years of hard work “Evergreen Timbers” Assisted Living opened in December of 2007. Within record time the 58 units were filled and of those 39 residents transferred from our buildings to their new home. Our vision and dream had been meet. This program is a partnership between our Society, Fraser Health and BC Housing know as the ILBC Program (Independent Living British Columbia). The residents pay 70% of their income and this covers costs of rent, personal care, two meals per day with snacks, weekly housekeeping and flat laundry, an emergency response and activities. A person’s eligibility for ILBC goes through a number of avenues. Firstly, Fraser Health assess person’s in the community requiring home supports and when the care needs meet the criteria for assisted living the assessment is forwarded to our society. As we are not a facility we are required to be registered with the Assisted Living Registrar. They are their to assist us and the resident is providing and receiving the care needs for all and help with any concerns or complaints you may have about health and safety. The addition of Evergreen Timbers and the dining room gives the society to offer meals to all of our residents at a subsidized price and we are pleased at the numbers that dine here.


In the summer of 2008 we were approached by another retiring society to see if we were interested in taking over the management of 36 units on Eastleigh Cres. There are 26 units geared for seniors and persons with disabilities with ten family townhouses. We are proud of our new addition and are pleased to be able to offer all kinds of affordable housing to our community.